A new ttrpg an AG collective member helped make

One of our collective members, Sam(wise) Figgins/Hermi(one) Banger (they of the many names and they/them pronouns–lol) was recently the lead writer/designer on a group game jam game–Parable of the Future. 

A hack of The Quiet Year by Avery Alder and Twilight Song by Speak the Sky, inspired by permaculture and regenerative farming practices, Parable of the Future is a free ttrpg. It’s a map-drawing, story-telling and world-building game about regenerative farming communities and community resource management. 

This game was created by a team of folks coming from the UK, Canada and the United States, for the whirlwind of a jam, REGENERATE Game Jam, a 48-hour jam focusing on reimaging farming in games to focus on regenerative and sustainable practices.

This Jam should be happening again sometime in June/July, and we expect some of our collective members to take part again! 

Key features of PARABLE OF THE FUTURE:

  • A GMless, pastoral game filled with community drama and cozy problem solving
  • A hopeful look at an alternative way forward
  • One prompt specifically praising the goodness of garlic

The Opening Story

For a long time we lived as if human progress and growth were infinite and worthy beyond all costs, that our way of life was right and good. Now we know that’s not true, and everything is unraveling–the climate, the economy, our communities–and business as usual can no longer go on. We’re left with this: a time to shift and turn, or perish. Rather than unravel, we can choose to return to each other and our shared place, to rethink and regenerate our ecological and social systems. We can care for the earth, for each other, and for the future. This will take time, trust, and will, and we are running out of time.

When the last card in the game has been drawn, generations may have passed. We may or may not survive. The biosphere may be devastated or changed beyond recognition and ability to survive. This is when the game will end. But we don’t know about that yet. What we do know is that right now, in this moment, we have a responsibility to regenerate.

To grow a better future, we need to plant the seeds of it today.

The Game

The team plans on pursing edits to the game and have talked about doing a small print run for distribution in Canada and the UK, with proceeds going to a charity or non-profit. 


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